Course Features

Language English
Hours 16
Assessments Yes


Digital communication is becoming more visual: images and videos are regularly uploaded, downloaded, edited, re-contextualised, shared and re-shared on the Internet and social media outlets.

Though these visuals are widespread online, we still lack tools to discern their accuracy, authenticity and potential interpretations.
This impacts science communication in particular, as the wrong or doctored image can influence public perception of scientific controversies (e.g. vaccinations).

This lesson will provide examples and case studies of the factors to consider when interpreting and choosing online images for science communication.


Elena Milani PhD is a Social media Analyst at ESCI, the European Science Communication Institute

She has an academic background in neuroscience and a PhD in communication of science. She has been a research fellow for the European Project RETHINK, and a member of the Science Communication Unit at the University of West of England. Her niche  is the visual communication of science and health and she regularly teaches this topic to postgraduate students and early-career researchers.

As a former researcher and current analyst, she combines the academic theory with the latest practices in her work.